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Welcome to Kidsreach Online

Where you can learn kids ministry at home.

1 Course Summary

Church leaders face multiple challenges to developing and delivering a ministry to children that will produce effective long term results. This course investigates the reason many children and young people leave our churches, and in some cases abandon their faith. As such it explores and challenges the way churches do children's ministry. Based on the latest research it examines what experts are saying, and what answers there are as to how children's ministry can be done better. This is an issue of immense importance to the church at large and is particularly relevant for church leaders, and all who work with children and youth in the church. This course also explores current church practices where this trend (of children leaving the church) has been halted, and children and young people have been nurtured through the years to claim their faith and ministry as adults.

2 Course Content

1 Biblical Perspectives on Children’s Ministry.

What priority should children’s ministry be given in the church and what that means. What does a

‘Practical Theology of Children’ look like?

2 Engagement and Connection

The role children have in the life of the church and why adults need to to engage with them.

3 Connection with the Youth Group

Helping children transition to become part of a viable, effective and safe youth group.

4 Faith Formation

The different ages and stages of faith development and how to assist children to grow in their faith.

5 Preparing for Challenges Ahead

Preparing children for the inevitable challenges and temptations that will face them in High School.

6 Extra Activities Outside Sunday Services

The importance of extra activities and resources outside of church services that help children grow in their faith.

7 Transitioning

Methods and ideas on how to transition children from children's ministry to youth and into the adult church.

3. Cou​rse Delivery

The course is taught online. The seven subjects are presented by set reading of key texts that will concentrate on imparting important concepts, and practical skills. Each one is followed by an assignment. Students are also encouraged to post their discussions in a dedicated online forum.

Students are expected to complete this subject within one year of commencement. Students who complete the course with a minimum of a pass in all subjects will receive a Certificate in ‘Effective Children’s Ministry’. Note, the study is not a registered course but is equivalent to one subject in a Diploma or Bachelors level ministry course.

The assessments are open-book (meaning students are allowed to use their textbooks and readers) to assess the students understanding of the course objectives. These will take the form of reviews, tutorials or quizzes – each of which will be done at the students own pace.

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Kidsreach Inc offers training and resources for those who work with children. Kidsreach Inc is committed to preventing child abuse and providing help for children with emotional, sexual, spiritual and physical hurts.

Kidsreach Incorporation Number INC9879091 ABN 75 805 388 254 Fundraising License Number CFN/25342

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